Friday, May 09, 2008

Rocky Errant Picture Show

We interrupt our regularly scheduled program to present tonight's theater.

I was inspired by this rant.

Since the knights errant are now considered a cult by Jon Jacobs and others, I decided to clarify that this is more like a cult fad of the Rocky Horror sense rather than the Reverend moon.

With thanks to LEP's Mascot who I was able to cast in the role of Riff Raff, and BDK has a cameo as Rocky, I now present my madness:


Robert Pearson said...

Pure. Genius! Thanks for taking the time to make my day.

likesforests said...

Wow, I've joined my first cult! That was always one of the things on my "77 Things To Do Before I Die" list, but I never thought I'd get around to it. Thanks, Knights Errant!

Temposchlucker said...

The creativity of the Knights breaks lose! Awsome!

Temposchlucker said...

You're a real artist!

Anonymous said...

I should have held out for a cut of your Google ad revenue. Oh, well, this was completely awesome. The groupies should be dropping by your place any moment now.

Anonymous said... should be getting paid for that...

wang said...

Sweet! I've never wanted to join a cult so badly before...

Glenn Wilson said...


BlunderProne said...

To all :)

Blue Devil Knight said...

LMAO. That is just great. For one, it brings back fantastic memories of going to watch the Midnight show in Cambridge.

Also just hilarious how you found the lyrics to match the chess.

I love that pic of the Royal Fork, a nice touch.

transformation said...

george you are a true creative genius. lovely. amazing. i always said you'd be the ideal neighbor among all the Knights!

BlunderProne said...

BDK... I thought I recognized you from somewhere ;) ( I was the one dressed as Eddie)

Temposchlucker said...

The more often I see it, the funnier it becomes.

damourax said...

Amazing video! Very vry funny! =D

Polly said...

Damn! I missed all the fun when I was in Pittsburgh having my chess skills warped by analyzing lots of ugly games!

That was very clever!

BTW I'm one of those peripheral bloggers he knows in person. :-)

Smite Knight said...

Adolf Andersson at the end of the circles!!