Sisters and Brethrens come gather round here. I’m shouting LOUD and PROUD about redemption! Redemption of LOST precious rating points taken away by stray thoughts , scrambled board vision and distracted by the devil himself disguised as a small child! I’m talking of the only TRUE path to salvation! You know what I am talking about. YES! TACTICS! You must not fear the tactics, embrace them for they are the true path to redemption!
Heed my words, I had a vision come to me last night. Now, come in close, as I can only speak softly about this. In it I saw the grand knight, MDLM himself! He spoke to me. He said “ Blunderprone, though you lack masterly skill, your charisma and wit is needed. You must receive the new scepter as Knight’s Errant keeper of the order. You must lead new seekers to the path of tactical righteousness. You must be the beacon for the hopeless as they reach in the darkness. Be their light to shine during their journey through the seven circles of hell.”
It’s a calling I must answer. For I have traveled through Dante’s depths not once, but TWICE . Now, I am embarking once again for my third trip into the seven circles of hell. I know I am not alone. This miserable journey is only comforted when in the arms of fellow travelers, known as KNIGHTS ERRANT.
Before I preach about the depths I have traveled ( in a subsequent post.) I will take this time to point out a new Knight beginning the journey. Simply known as Knight Errant Brooklyn division, it’s unknown how many there are but it sounds like a full battalion on the threshold. Please join me in welcoming their just and noble cause.
There are others secretly lying around wondering if the knights are dead. NAY! We are not dead, it was just a flesh wound. I was traveling through history and have seen positional enlightenment. I studied under General Sun Tsu’s art of war and understand the idea that “ Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.” I want to share what I have seen in my journeys to the one struggling with the first circle.
So gather around, fellow knights past, present and future. Spread the word to those who seek tactical redemption that misery need not be alone. Come here for the fellowship that will restore your rating to its rightful plateau. Get off your rating floor, it's time to RISE UP and BELIEVE in the tactical vision! Let us be your light in times of darkness!
Behold the new sidebar as I bear the responsibility of keeping the order alive. To be included you need only to leave a comment proclaiming your quest. I will add you to the list as it grows. All I ask is that you make a post at least once a month on your struggles and cross link the list on you blog as well. To Knights of errants past, you will be included if you let me know as well, just need a commitment to help the struggling new members by commenting on their sights. In return, I will highlight on occasion, the new adventures of the knights errant.
Blunderprone, The troubled knight.
I already have you on my blog! But will gladly participate: adamporth.blogspot.com
Our Blunderprone has missed his right job. He had to become motivational speaker. :-)
Good luck! Was in the past always pleasant to read the blogs of the knight errants. So i am hoping to be able to read some good blog posts in the future.
Not gonna join since tactics tactics tactics isn't my way to improvement.
By the way, pity you dont link back to me anymore. It was fun as long it lasted. Will be back to read your new posts.
ACIS seemed to have atrophied so I thought I'd revive some old school stuff to see what the comes up. Regrettably, some links were lost... yours was now but now added to the "Other cool chess players who have blogs" link list.
To others who are feeling left out... just let me know.
Please add me! Cool is totally new to me.
Allthough I have replaced the narrow vision of tactics with the enhanced microdrills of any usefull skill you can count me in.
I thought I was the last of the mohicans.
tactic is my daily bread...as a former Knight I'll be happy to join a new quest ...
I look forward to the return of chessloser, for then the knights will truly be reborn.
Sign me up as currently in training. I can't get ct-art to work with Win 7 so I'll be using books.
Knights Errant Revival. I like it. I see a bad moon arising.
OK...let the insanity begin. Count me in Blunder.
Under 1900 is the sweet-spot for tactics.
Over 1900, and by that I don't mean newly-minted 1900 players, some of them start getting ridiculously strong at the endgame. IOW, if they seem to suck at opening or middlegame, then watch out for their endgame!
Tactics improves calculation, but at some point simply playing more OTB games appears to improve calculation more than anything else.
The post-game analysis was also helping me with that, and I did a lot of it, but now I have cut way back on that, and sometimes I can see more than an engine strategically, or an engine doesn't see it right away. I use an engine for strategy more, nowdays, particularly where I am not that familiar with a line.
It's an honor to be inducted into this esteemed circle of knights. I've read your blogs for years and now to be in on the action is awesome.
I'm halfway through my second circle...marching on.
Please enrol me. I have added links to all the Revived Knights to the Empirical Rabbit. Empirical Rabbit is much snappier name than Bright Knight, and I have already been linked in as such by a few of the Knights, which is fine by me. Would it be less confusing if I changed my Screen Name to Empirical Rabbit? Bright Knight at Empirical Rabbit covers all the bases, for now.
I'm adding the rest onto my new blog, please add me as well. Good luck, and see you all on the path!
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