Have said all that, today's folly is a result of a blunder out of greed. Which also keeps in line with the Vatican's attempt to revamp the seven deadly sins. Though, what I was doing was going after a knight, I don't consider it to " being obscenely rich".
The final position looked like this. I had just played 24. ...Rd6 when white calmly checked me on the square I was no longer protecting. Should have gone 24 ... Ne8 instead...like what I was really thinking... BUT NOOOO... I thought I had that Knight... I was salivating. ( after check white goes to f5 forking my rook and queen... I decided to call it an early night and resigned).
The game in its entire folly is below:
Damn knights!! Just when we think the knight is trapped it goes and sneaks in with a fork.
Blunder Prone,
I've been looking at your games with white. Have you ever thought of playing the Colle system? It looks a lot like your system, it’s solid and can be used against stronger opponents with good results, many people think is slow but combined with you tactics training you will have a powerful weapon in your hands especially against weak and normal players.
Just look it like this: against strong opponents you can play for a draw sometimes even win and against weaker players you will have good results.
If it's any consolation, even after Ne8 the position's not really all that healthy: off the top of the head 24. ... Ne8 25. Rxd7 Rxc6 26. Rb7
@Cauetio Knight: I've considered the colle, and find lots of similarities. I like gettign my bishop out to target e5 in these structures.
@LEP: After talking with my opponent, he would have excahnged down had I gone to Ne8. I think I would have had a better chance. Overall, I think the plan with the queen side diversion was week. I would have been better building and keeping up the central presure.
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