Saturday, May 19, 2007

Blunder Prone takes on the World!

I got an early father’s day gift hint…. And set my reservations for Valley Forge in early July. I’M HEADING TO THE WORLD OPEN ( again). I’m going to try my hand in the under 1800 section again and ward off all those cheaters and win that 20K!... or at least have some fun trying.

Since I’ve been training all along in the spirit of no new knowledge, I plan on continuing my regimen of tactics and non-annotated master game analysis of my selected openings. I’ll mix in the GM-RAM endgame studies as well as the classic games in that gem of a book. Oh, and I’ll try not indulge too much in internet chess.

I am excited. Lastyear I had a blast and finished with a plus score and a rating boost. I was so close to Nakamura that I could tell what he had for lunch by the spinich stuck in his teeth. I plan on dong more late night insanity with blitz tournaments.

Look out world, here I come!



Anonymous said...

world open!!! dude, you are going to battle against THE WORLD!!!! i looked into it, sadly i can't make it there this year. it would have been cool, i could have watched you beat THE WORLD, and perhaps i would have been one of the guys you trounced on your way to total global domination and the top of your class. good luck my brother, kick some ass...

takchess said...

What are we going to do today Brain............ ?
