Sunday, August 17, 2008

I'm at the beach

The Hastings 1895 is temporarily on hold due to this important and much needed break.

Mrs. Blunder and I are celebrating our anniversary at Long Beach Island, NJ at this beach house courtesy of a generous relatives:

There is no Internet so I am currently tapping into the Ocean City Library's free wifi just to rub it in that I am at the beach for a week and you may not be.

It's pretty romantic here and not much room for chess:

I'll return to the time machine when I get back and cover Schiffers and Tinsley next. In the meantime, I've got my surf casting rig, my beach clothes and my honey. What more can I ask for? ( OK, I also have the Polgar brick for some surf side reading too).

Surf's up dude.
Blunderprone -at the beach!


Anonymous said...

I am lame.


Our Sword said...

Dude, you know I had this week open.........................


likesforests said...

I am so jealous!

transformation said...

surf, honey, quiet, gear, and Polgar. himmm?? sweet! warmest and may this time bless all of you. dk

Anonymous said...

Surf's up indeed! Enjoy it!

Anonymous said...

Nice hat...

chessx said...

You have a nice time,we will all be here when you get back.
But next time can i have an invite!!!

Blue Devil Knight said...

Looks beautiful. Have fun.

Polly said...

Would your relatives like to adopt me and have me come stay with them at the shore? Nice looking house! Congrats on your anniversary. I missed you in Rhode Island.

Anonymous said...

rock on, enjoy the beach, take the break, chess will be here when you get back...we all will actually...