Sunday, July 06, 2008

Last day

It's Sunday morning. I recovered 2 points yesterday now that the stress of the $20K is off the table. Paying the taxes on the winnings alone would have been horrible! I was able to play some chess yesterday and beat a couple of kids. Who knows what today has in store but this will be my last update until I return to Massachusetts.

This is for those who could not come to Philly. I leave you with this little fun video production of my perspective of the last few days:


likesforests said...

Excellent! I think you captured being here about as well as can be done in a 3-minute video. :)

Anonymous said...

"More GM's whose names I can't spell". LOL. At least you got the right "whose".

Anonymous said...

third post!

transformation said...

thank you.

Anonymous said...


It was great to meet you in Philly last week. Congratulations for your fine score. I only wish there was more time to sit around, drink White Russians, and swap war stories.


laughing_bear said...

I wasn't able to go this year so the video helped fill the void. It looked like a pretty nice playing site.

Blue Devil Knight said...

Great work dude.

The video isn't showing up for me (I am in a dinosaur browser, Firefox 1.5, perhaps that is why, and I refuse to upgrade to the RAM-stealing newer versions).

Hiddenleaf said...

Nice video, makes me wanna go to a Dutch tournement.

Perhaps not yet to play, but just be there, that would be great.

Robert Pearson said...

I loved the video, I love Cake, I love that song!

It's the Summer of Love, baby, 2008 version.

Polly said...

Excellent video! Sorry I couldn't make it, though my little trip wasn't too bad.