Thursday, July 03, 2008

Blunderprone Presents: Prequil to Philly

First round complete. One victory 8 to go.

Met up with Chessloser and a couple other bloggers. Still haven't seen Likesforests yet.

Here is my Prequil to the trip done in blunderprone productions style:


Anonymous said...

great job. what i don't understand is why they don't post three or four pairings sheets staggered down the hall, so it's easier to see them.

Anonymous said...

where is that original chess players handbook located?

BlunderProne said...

My wife and oldest daughter were traveling in London and stopped by the Divan and snapped the photo for me.

As for the pairing sheets, CCA has always run it as such. Problem with extra sheets, as soon as the first one is off the printer, the TD is trying to post it while the masses are trying to read it.