Whisky clears my brain and improves my chessplay
In the second round he loses to Mieses of all players. Mieses placed second to last with Blackburne being his only other win aside from Albin. It wasn't one of Blackburne's better games as the pieces themselves looked scattered and drunk. This almost supports the claim of the drunken master made earlier.
He wins against Amos Burn in round 10 with a move order variation of the French as white. 1.e4 e6 2.Nc3 d5 3. d4 ... truly showcasing his flare for style and ability to transpose into games he's comfortable with.
In round 11 as white against Von Bardeleben and Round 12 as Black against Teichmann, back to back rounds he seems to deliver back to back rook sacs in seemingly similar positions with colors reversed:
His wins against Vergani ( last place finisher) and Pollock in rounds 14 and 18 are not that spectacular. Against Vergani, the "Black death" plays a gambit and jumps ahead right away. With Pollock he plays the Philador's defense and wins a Knight versus Bishop endgame.
The Lasker game is the one to watch. Blackburne offers his knight on h2 which rips opens this young master's ( and third place finisher) king side.
Henry Bird played this opening 4 times at the Hastings 1895 event and score +1 =2 -1. Which Isn't all that bad considering it's an opening designed to gain some control of the center but doesn't help the development at all. Henry Bird also played the Dutch a couple times as Black as seen last post and did rather well. It goes without saying that Mr. Bird liked the pawn structure and seemed to favor the king side attacking potential that arose from such positions.
The games for rounds 11-15 are here while the remaining 16-21 rounds are here as a reference to the rest of this post. He entered round 11 with 7 points and in the second half of the tournament only managed to gain 2 more points. His play is odd. He favors moves like Kf8 over castling in Round 11 against Mason, round 17 against Tarrasch ( where he really strays and plays an odd looking closed Sicilian where he was typically playing French Defenses) and in Round 20 against Gubsberg whom he finally won a game with this order of play. He wasn't completely off his rocker, he just chose to have this setup and open the h-file for the rook in his games. His younger opponents just seemed to know how to attack the uncastled King and rip open the center before Bird went "bowling" with the h-pawn.
He was an old dog not with too many new tricks in the second half of his games. He had a 115 move draw against Janowsky in Round 16 where in Move 87 he could have won as seen here:
Bird has white and had he advanced the b-pawn followed by Kb5 he would have had a won position. Instead, they were under time pressure and a rapid fire dance of the bishops followed when a position was reached for the third time a draw was called.
Pillsbury, who was the hero in the event had a most fascinating approach to Bird's lethal Evan's Gambit. He took on the challenge of f7:
Schiffer's comments on the game that the Pillsbury's handling of the gambit with Bd6 is taken from the days of Anderssen, Mayet and Keiseritzky. Which means, Pillsbury was well read on the masters of his time in preparation to this event. If there is one game to watch, its round 14 Bird vs Pillsbury.
Overall, it seemed Mr. Bird was passed his prime indeed as it showed up in his end game play and the fact that he seemed to be a predictable attacker that the new blood could adapt to. I still admire his play given his age and he still had a couple jabs at the young folks. His love for the game made this accountant a good contender none the less despite his 15th place finish in this event.
Next up will be Blackburne as I will cover the top 10 finishers in this event. The "Black death" finished 10th but was colorful in the spirit of his partying. Perhaps Blackburne is to Chessloser as Keiseritzky was to Blunderprone? Stay tuned ( if this doesn't bore you)
In round 6, with a mate threat on his heels, Marco saves his game with a three-fold repetition draw from Bird. Bird fires back in round 7 with a victory against Vergani by finding a very resourceful move in this complicated position netting a passed pawn:
( 27. Nxe6)
Round 8 was the clash of the two ( older) titans, pitting Steinitz against Bird in an epoch battle. It appeared that Steinitz's time had passed had he been more aggressive with the white pieces. Bird was allowed to establish a knight on an advanced rank that rivaled a rook. If you are going to review only one game, this one is worth the merit.
Rounds 9 was a draw against Schlecter and Round 10, playing an Evans Gambit against the powerful Chigorin, Bird manages a threefold repetition to save a gambit gone flat. ( that's another game worth looking at).
After the first ten rounds, Henry Bird has scored 6 of the 9 points he will finish with in this event. Not a bad showing for a non-professional of the era.
In the second part, he Plays Pillsbury , Tarrasch, and Janowski along with some of the others. I'll let you digest these for a few days until I wrap up Bird in the next post.
I've had the flux capacitor fully charged while I was in Philly and I set the time machine to the period of August 5 - September 2 of 1895 to the location of the seaside town of Hastings in East Sussex England. It was here the famous super tournament known as Hastings 1895 was played.
To set the period, electricity was starting to take hold in America with Westinghouse generators pumping out Tesla's AC versus Edison's DC since the late 1880's. This meant that lighting for the chess event's evening sessions may very well have been through electric means. For Chessloser, bicycle manufacturer Schwinn, was launched in Germany in this year. On the political front, France's President Casimir-Perier resigned in disgust on January 17 and was succeeded by Félix Faure. As the new government took office, the former premier Alexandre Ribot resumed his position as minister of finance, but after a financial scandal, he was forced into resignation once again.
Hasting's history can claim fame through its connection with the Norman conquest of England; and also because it became one of the medieval Cinque Ports. Hastings was, for centuries, an important fishing port; although much reduced, it has the largest beach-based fishing fleet in England. As with many other such places, the town became a watering place in the 1760s, and then, with the coming of the railway, a seaside resort.
In 1895, the Brassey Institute was place where the 22 participants battled for top prize of 150 British pounds. Players lodged in the Queen’s Hotel, except for Pillsbury. He explained: "I want to be quiet. I mean to win this tournament!"
Eighteen of the 22 players were pictured here:
(Standing: Albin, Schlechter, Janowski, Marco, Blackburne, Maroczy, Schiffers, Gunsberg, Burn, Tinsley. Seated: Vergani, Steinitz, Chigorin, Lasker, Pillsbury, Tarrasch, Mieses, Teichhmann. Missing: Henry Bird, Carl Walbrodt, Curt von Bardeleben,and James Mason,
In the rules of the event, the schedule included playing on Mondays-Wednesdays and Fridays and Saturdays. Thursdays were left for adjournments. The games began at 1PM in the afternoon, taking a two our break from 5-7PM. The games were to conclude by 10PM with no adjournment until 60 moves were reached in this round robin structure.
Time limits were 30 moves in two hours with subsequent time controls being 15 moves per hour. This led me to wonder what the the clocks may have looked like. I found the pictures below on the web of chess clocks of the 1890-1895 period.