So in defense of the abysmal game I played.... Here is an attempt at the inner game my shrink will be hearing about.
It was a typical day at work. Filled with 80% of non-fun stuff and 20 % of the stuff I went to school for. 4PM rolls around I pop out of a meeting to call my daughter to see if she has everything she needs to do dinner that she volunteered for. I make a list of things to pick up on way time it so she can cook the main dish, that I can scarf quickly before running off to chess club and make my move as my clock's time will have elapsed. Of course, I was delayed getting out of work because the 700 pound gorilla who's meeting I had to run in his absence was now chasing me for how what happened in his absence. 6:15 I pulled into driveway, threw the spag sauce at my daughter and set the table. Made a feeble attempt to log into work to give the gorilla his update on line... DAMN VPN was down.
DING! dinner! Screw the update... let's eat and go to the chess club. 7:10 rolls around and I dash to the door with set in hand. I pull into the chess club parking lot at 7:35 and run in to find where my board is and who I am playing. My clock is running and my opponent has played 1.e4 ( only five minutes has elapsed on my clock) Sweet. I write down the game data, who I'm playing, take my coat off etc. My opponent is nowhere to be seen. I play 1...c6. ( BTW... IT's only 7 moves try to follow along.... I have a diagram at the end)
My opponent comes back with a coffee. We shake hands, he sits and plays 2. d4 I respond promptly not wanting to waste any more time and get into a similar time scramble like last week 2...d5 3. Nd2.
Nice he wants to be a little creative... Ok I'll bite... 3... dxe4 4. Nxe4 Bf5 5. Bd3 Where have I seen this before? Why don't you go after my bishop? WTF? This is a move out of order. But wait. Its sound. He doesn't want to waste time ... pure development. I can't easily play Nf6... I want to play Nf6 but I can't.... I am blind to Qxd4 at this point because now my mind wanders... I am thinking of the gorilla at work... I am thinking of my daughter's nice... for a change... maybe my wife will like it too...but she was working late for her new gorilla as well. We are all tense. I play 5...Nd7 ....thinking ...maybe I can play Ngf6 next move ...because I am NOT thinking about chess... I will save that for the middle game...yeah. I am only warming up right now. If he plays his night to f6 with a check I take... then if he takes the f5 bishop I got the queen check on a5 ...yeah! I'm good's the opening ...what could possibly go wrong?
6. Qe2...... Huh? an early queen move? No problem... I can still play 6...Ngf6 yeah! take that maestro. 7. Nd6#
Final position after 7.Nd6# I have black.
OK... I am not here... A gorilla took my brain.